kdg2...sy mudah terasa... kdg2...sy mudah marah... kdg2...sy mudah menangis... kdg2...sy mudah bertahan... kdg2...sy mudah menipu ape yg sy kecewakn... kdg2...sy mudah terseksa... kdg2...sy mudah dipujuk... kdg2...sy mudah sejuk... kdg2...sy mudah bersedih... kdg2...sy mudah tersentuh...
smua kdg2...tp selalunnye...semua pun berlaku serentak...camne tu??susah aa... same gk cam 2day... sy sgt2 sdih tp sdih tu tak dpt diluahkn... snggup g sy ckp sy tak sdih smata2 nak bat org lain happy... tp ape yg akan terjadi kt sy kalo sy trus camni... kalo ckp plk nmpk mcm terlebih manja...sket2 nak mengadu... tp... inilah sy...lebih mudah pendam dr bersuara... sedih, terluka, tertipu, terabai...semuanya bercampur baur...tp sy msti tabah... ade sorg gigirl ni gto sy...kesabaran itu indah... jd sy mcm dah berpegang ngan kata2 gigirl ni...thanks gigirl... sy hrp...mmg de hkmah di sbalik smua ni...sy redha dgn ketentuan Illahi.... wallahua'lam...
In a perfect world,
This would never happen.
We'd fall down,
Then get up laughin'.
In a perfect world,
You would never see a frown.
Everyone would be happy,
No one would be down.
In a perfect world,
It would never rain.
Things would be so good,
You would never feel pain.
In a perfect world,
There would beno sorrow.
And everybody would live,
To see the day of tomarrow.
In perfect world,
Help would always be there.
There would always be sombody,
You knew would always care.
In a perfect world,
There'd be someone for you.
There be someone for everyone,
To help you make it through.
In a perfect world,
There would be no knives.
No horrible, killing objects,
To help people take their lives.
In a perfect world,
You would still be here.
You wouldn't have left at all,
Wouldn't have lived our biggest fear.
In a perfect world,
Is where I will always be.
You will find me there,
Come and join me.
In a perfect world,
Good is all I feel.
Because in a perfect world,
Nothing in it is real.
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