24th march...she was born...i didn't even know it was the same as my birthday till my sis told me so...so cute...so small...so and so...what a miracle...soft face,still pure..and so innocent....luv u AISHAH HALIDA...only after having a gud news for few hours,then my sis told me that she will be going to my long ya's house...sgt sedih...tak sempat pun along nk jumpe...nak balik!nak balik!....dah la tgh praktikum...how come i escape classes...attendants is 101% ok...IT WAS YESTERDAY....
practicum week...sgt penat....sgt ok...sgt...tp when we look at their faces...feel really need to give them smth...they came to scool with a big hope...their parents had trust us to teach them....i'll promiz to myself, i'll try my best to become a great teacher one day...diz is the medium...diz is just a starting...so...the starting part is the most important part...i won't let my starting to become the end...even i had to stay up, even i got a blue eyes on the next day, even i have to spend a lot of RM for them...it is priceless when they gained smth from me...trus me~!!!IT WAS ALSO YESTERDAY....
no class at all...spending time to mark upil's worksheets...sometimes they make me smile,angry and also funny...hehehe =p quite cute...it was the last day for them to practise the long jump...tomorrow is the day for fizi,helmi,liana,fadilah,farid zul,kartika and muliana...and was absent today...nvm,they will at least go for bronza...and they had remember me...luv them so much...they are a good listener...gud luck boys and girls...IT WAS TODAY~!
whut should i do first...???so many things in my mind....practicum,PGPI,practical,AISHAH HALIDA,and...bla bla bla....aireen is happy and tired rite now...happy is important...although you are tired, but if you are happy,sleeping with smiling is GEORGEOUS...and that is TOMORROW....
*miss mr paul smith also...hehehe #_#
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5 years ago
4 singgah comment yer... =):
A'ISYAH KHALEEDA la along...So cute n adorable
bangganya aku, kawan baik aku sorg cekgu yg berdedikasi...keep up good work dear...
miss u sooo much...
aku blek kedah 2 minggu lg
aku baru nak tanya aisyah haleeda tu sapa. dah la sama bday dgn hg, aku ingat tu nama parents hg decide nak bagi sblm letak aireen aneza, so halida tu bagi dekat baby, bleh? lol~
uih, amal!
hg balik 2 minggu lagi?
klu ada rezeki aku nak balik gak ah. bley jumpa!
tu la...cam kunun2 crita psal aku ja kn...haih...aku tak berkesempatan aa tgk baby tu...sgt sedih....ampa balik direct time bkn cuti skool...huhu
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